標籤:易容偷渡 香港青年,易容偷渡 香港青年 光滑雙手露餡,易容偷渡 香港青年 老翁
易容偷渡 香港青年 加拿大 光滑雙手露餡
這起事件發生在上月29日,一名老翁登上加拿大航空(Air Canada)編號AC018、香港飛溫哥華的班機,在起飛幾小時後,老翁起身去上廁所,經過一段時間,從廁所出來的竟變成一名20多歲的年輕小伙子。機組人員察覺有異,等飛機一落地溫哥華,加拿大邊境服務署(CBSA)立刻逮捕男子,他則立即申請難民庇護。
男子「變身」前後-易容偷渡 香港青年。(圖/取自Telegraph.co.uk)
引用自今日新聞:香港青年易容老翁偷渡加拿大 光滑雙手露餡 http://www.nownews.com/2010/11/06/11490-2661834.htm
One Airline Passenger, Two Faces (Incredible Security Breach)-易容偷渡 香港青年
Canadian authorities are investigating an "unbelievable" incident in which a passenger boarded an Air Canada flight disguised as an elderly man, according to a confidential alert obtained by CNN.
The incident occurred on October 29 on Air Canada flight AC018 to Vancouver originating in Hong Kong. An intelligence alert from the Canada Border Services Agency describes the incident as an "unbelievable case of concealment."
"Information was received from Air Canada Corporate Security regarding a possible imposter on a flight originating from Hong Kong," the alert says. "The passenger in question was observed at the beginning of the flight to be an elderly Caucasian male who appeared to have young looking hands. During the flight the subject attended the washroom and emerged an Asian looking male that appeared to be in his early 20s."
After landing in Canada, Border Services Officers (BSOs) escorted the man off the plane where he "proceeded to make a claim for refugee protection," the alert says.
"The subject initially claimed to be in possession of one bag; however, flight crew approached the BSOs with two additional pieces of luggage which were believed to belong to the subject. One bag contained the subject's personal clothing items while the second contained a pair of gloves. The third contained a 'disguise kit' which consisted of a silicone type head and neck mask of an elderly Caucasian male, a brown leather cap, glasses and a thin brown cardigan."
The man put on the disguise for the officers who "noted he very much resembled an elderly Caucasian man, complete with mimicking the movements of an elderly person. The subject admitted at this time that he had boarded the flight with the mask on and had removed it several hours later," according to the alert.
According to Gibson-Harris, a mask of this quality would start with a "lifecast" of the man's head. From that "negative" image, he would then sculpt a "positive" bust of his own skull and face.
He would then have had to build the mask around the bust using silicone.
"It's quite tricky," said Gibson-Harris, a 25-year veteran of the special-effects business who's worked on TV shows such as The Lost World and movies such as An American Werewolf in Paris.
Could the mask be purchased in a store?
"I wouldn't think so," Gibson-Harris said. "They're difficult to make. It would be very expensive."
According to officials, the man appeared at the gate in the disguise. Presumably, that meant putting it on somewhere inside Hong Kong International Airport. A bathroom stall, perhaps.
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